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To the Dreamers
This weekend in America, there will be various forms of acknowledgement and celebration of the life and work of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The activist dreamer, who spoke of a vision of world peace, equality and brotherhood. A world of prosperity and promise for everyone’s “little children.” He repeated everywhere, as it is still repeated today, that he “had a dream” of it all, and that one day we all would be “free” of the notions and fear that keep such dreams and promises too far illusively away.
The once-only-imagined achievements of all of us continue to move our world. From shore to shore we live out the fruits of innovation, we live on the outcomes of each other’s vision, and we live in the collective value of our individual dreams.
As you search for personal relevance to this special American memorial marker, think about your own dreams. Some still brewing, some still locked away, some being tested still by time, by resources, by the challenges of the day. Give ear to a dream of a loved one. Embrace an expressed dream of an employee or team member. And if you’ve lost sight of your greatness, your purpose and your personal potential, selfishly take this moment to close your eyes and once again, all over again – dream.
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