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Women In Business Call to Action
In the United States, 40% of all businesses are women-owned. That’s over 12.3 million women-owned businesses generating more than $1.8 trillion a year. Yet women receive only 7% of venture funds for their startups. There remains a need for women and those who respect the product of women in business, to continuously network ideas, options and resources.
Hence, we’re passing on this conference tip. We’ll be there. Meanwhile, the intersection of innovation and the dynamic needs of US federal, state and local governments continues to flex and expand. You know our work. Seek us out for opportunities, and we’ll stay in touch as usual.
The VendorshipJourney TM is powered by more than 65 years of high-level executive government management, procurement and appropriations experience to better position any company, large or small, to sustain valuable longer-term partnerships with government to satisfy the shifting dynamics of constituent need.