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Happy Day of Thanksgiving
For most Americans, this third Thursday of November shuts down just about everything. Other than in commerce and shopping that must continue, most workers are enroute to family gatherings that can resemble reunions and banquets. All come for as many reasons as the number of people in the throws of travel for this weekend. And the meaning of the tradition seems not to matter as much as the gathering and the days off from work. And that’s probably the best thing.
Americans are peculiar about this holiday and how they explain it. All others assimilating into the American mainstream over years observe and dabble in some aspect of it – at least from their perspectives. In the middle of it all, someone stills all dynamics with a prayer. A solemn moment happens and a tone is set – a familiar tone from cafeteria to tent, from homeless shelter to dining room table. A tone set as does with the sincere whisper of a single word: Thankyou.
From wherever you’ve come, to wherever you will go, no matter who you are or what beliefs you hold, all Americans remember in that magical moment what it feels like to to feel thankyou. To give thankyou and to receive thankyou. We at Vendorship want to share a prayer with all of you. That we continue and renew a spirit of thankfulness to all, especially those most different from each of us.
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