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Make it Monumental.
You made it. The closeout of yet another year and the launch of a new business cycle. You beat the odds. You reached new heights. You survived – barely perhaps. But you’re still standing. Whatever exclamations best describe this marker for you and your team, one thing we all have in common: This new cycle can be big. As big as you envision it. As big as you plan it. As big as your energy and focus can make it.
The idea of things monumental can also be expressed with words like: impressive, gigantic, colossal, ambitious, enduring, Herculean and Olympic. For us at Vendorship, during 2022, we launched our distinctively new brand, we expanded our customer prospecting, we grew our team and our capacity, we advanced our business operating intelligence, and we deepened our intergovernmental relationship efforts. We are now excited about the horizons we face. New heights and new challenges.
When you reflect, what was has been monumental so far for your company? What can you now make Olympic? What can you envision about your own greatness yet to be achieved? To get there, we wish for you the pursuit of excellence and the audacity to believe.
See you on the next 2023 mountain.
From your entire Vendorship team and our families, Happy Holidays and happy hopes for a more prosperous New Year.