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April is Earth Month: Seize the Day!
For those companies reaping the expanding benefits of doing business with the government, here is yet another open door: Sustainability. The U.S. Government is leading by example to leverage scale and procurement power to drive clean, healthy and resilient operations. The Federal General Services Administration (GSA) is implementing new environmental requirements into IT contract language.
GSA’s assistant commissioner for the Information Technology Category, Laura Stanton at a recent Data Sustainability Summit says, “We’ve added sustainability criteria into that contract, requirements for climate change and adoption, sustainability and green initiative, supporting environmental sustainability practices through the use of energy efficient, virtual and streamline technology that facilitates agile and expansive network communications.
But you don’t have to scurry to catch up. You can get in front and stay in front of the ‘green-smart’ wave of business strategies by crafting and coaching your own Sustainability Policy. We at Vendorship take ours quite seriously. Here’s a Vendorship peek to help you map out your own.
The Vendorship Journey is powered by more than 65 years of high-level executive government management, procurement and appropriations experience to better position any company, large or small, to sustain valuable longer-term partnerships with government to satisfy the shifting dynamics of constituent need.