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Are You Certification Ready?
We keep circling back to the historic opportunities of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, because we know from decades of experience that too many companies with the best of intentions will still miss out. We’ve been here before in America – when significant funding and set-aside provisions fueled major development and growth cycles. Retrospectively, we could have always done better opening lanes for new ideas, new players and different approaches.
Again, beyond the usual $600 billion budgeted annually to operate in concert with product and service providers, another $550 billion is being channeled to projects and concepts you hear about and drive by every day. And it’s all starting to happen as we speak.
But you must be certification ready. Most entrepreneurs we meet are aware of some certifications popular in the discussion of doing business with government agencies. But too many are either under certified or underutilizing the advantage of their certification opportunities. That’s leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table each year. Reach out to us with your broad questions. Let’s up-level your readiness!