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February Newsletter + RFP: Digital Application Tracking & Recruitment System
Digital Application Tracking & Recruitment System
Governments’’ need for top IT talent is only as great as its legal mandates to update intradepartmental systems on local and state levels – many woefully outdated – in this continuing pandemic era.
But the old way of doing business may at last be just that as more agencies place greater focus on private firms’ personnel skill sets to augment projects beyond the scope of their in-house staff.
Many of these time-crucial projects place as much pressure on hiring managers as their project management and comptroller counterparts combined. Such is a situation Team Vendorship has discovered in a northeastern county seeking an immediate need for an intuitive technology firm with full-stack capabilities in human resources software and operating systems development.
Our featured RFP sample offers an opportunity for a highly-skilled IT firm to provide a major AAA bond-rated northeast county government with nearly 3,000 employees serving approximately 740,000 residents an applicant tracking and employee on-boarding system.
This system will serve a unique set of needs spread throughout 26 various departments on multiple campuses. The county’s recruitment activities currently comprise about 5% of its HR generalists’ workweek with approximately 200 new employment advertisements a year receiving approximately 20,000 applications in response to those solicitations..
HR managers here request an integrated system that allows for the entire recruitment process including assessments and onboarding to be handled with one systematic approach, including integration with current ERP system Oracle.
To read the full scope and requirements of this RFP with submittals due by February 23, 2021, activate the RFP button below.
We keep up with the latest opportunities in federal contracting so you don’t have to.
Contact us to assess your eligibility, readiness and opportunities.
For more details on the RFP and to find out about successful bidding on government contracts visit Vendorship Inc. online or schedule a no-obligation assessment of your firm’s eligibility, email us direct at [email protected]
Also be sure to join us February 17th at 3 p.m. EST for our third-Wednesday Checking-In webinar when we’ll discuss with these expert panelists trends in public sector hiring and talent retention practices.