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April 2021 Checking in Webinar
Healthcare IT – The Present and The Future of Better Care
✔️ Key Takeaways
During this month’s webinar we discuss the pandemic and the challenges as we continue to deliver any and all products and services in the large public health and medical sectors and the developing solutions.
Practitioners and policy makers alike create, track, analyze and share but entities don’t always agree to the extent necessary for best possible outcomes.
✔️Technology has affected the doctor-patient relationship for a long time, from diagnostic tools to surgeries and recovery. Technology now has the opportunity to reach farther and outside of traditional medical practices.
✔️Telehealth’s biggest benefit may be that it provides access to healthcare to demographics that we have had a difficult time reaching: the underprivileged, the underserved, in remote rural areas, etc. Technology therefore delivers better care.
✔️ Personal digital devices together with digital platforms have the opportunity to incorporate in depth education about health issues or healthy lifestyle choices. They can deliver sight,sound and motion messaging that engages and therefore educates more demographics. And effective, self-guided, cost effective digital tools can deliver PT and recovery to patients that are practically too far away from consistent in-person care, whether geographically or socioeconomically.
✔️Healthcare needs to embrace UX, invest time to understand the use(s) and user(s).
Workflow, best practices and regulatory restrictions need to be evaluated to find solutions with teams across disciplines.
✔️ About our April Panelists
Jeremy Duvall
7Factor Software
Shiva Nadarajah
Cofounder & President
JOGO Health Inc.
Darin Gilstrap
Founder & Managing Director
InnerCityMedicine Network
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